Thursday, July 3, 2014

Welcome to the Lesson Delicatessen Collaborative Blog

We are thrilled to announce our new collaborative blog! Our group consists of twenty upper elementary and middle school teacher-authors who decided that there weren't enough quality blogs for our grade range. We hope that you will consider following us as we share our ideas and tips just for grades four through eight!

From how to set up workshops in the upper grades to great books to read with your class, we hope that the tips and strategies that we share will be useful to you! We already have a lot of useful and fun things in the works, so make sure that you follow us so you don't miss out on some great content!

If you would like to learn more about the individual contributors, please click {here}. If you would like to follow us on social media, here are our links to {Facebook}, {Pinterest}, and {Twitter}.

Follow our blog with Bloglovin

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to great ideas!
