bunch of folders
or Glue and Numbers
First, turn the
folders on the back. I recommend making
the flaps a little bit thick. I had
thinner ones last year, and making the pieces wider is a bit sturdier. I use a ruler to measure every 3.5” (about 9
cm) on the horizontal (hot dog) side of the folder. Make marks about every 3.5”, then do it again
somewhere else on the folder. Then use the
ruler to draw the dividing lines where you will cut. I was
able to cut three strips from each folder.
Also, and
this is optional, you may want to splurge and get colored folders. I had a few students last year that would regularly
stick their paper in the number before them.
With colors, the students can see if they are in the correct area
because the students before and after them have different colors;)
Once you
have cut all of your strips, organize them the way you want them. For example, I organized mine in the color
pattern I wanted. (Again, if your strips
are all one color you can just put them in one pile.) In these pictures, I printed the numbers from
my décor pack and glued them on.
However, if you are pressed for time, you can simply use a marker and
number them.
Now, to hook
them together, you want to lay the strips down so they are staggered. I laid mine out in strips of 4. If you look at the photo, I start with the
bottom strip and lay that to the right.
Then I staggered the other strips on top going left. Once you do that, you are ready to staple
them together.
*Trust me,
having smaller sections is much, much better.
Long strips do not fit in a cupboard, and you cannot separate the students
as easily. I will sometimes have #1-8
turn in at this section of the counter, then put #9 - 16 farther down, etc.
The stapling
is where some people have trouble. Look
at the picture above. Start by stapling
the top two strips. You are stapling the
back fold of the top strip to the front fold of the next strip. I staple one on each side toward the top of the
strips, then one in the middle above the fold.
(The fold is higher on the bottom strip.)
Stapling the
third and fourth strips on is a bit trickier.
I do it by holding the back of the bottom strip and matching the top
flap of the next strip to that. Staple
Once you
have four numbers connected, begin stapling a new strip of four:D
So, how
exactly does this magical tool work?
Easy! Lay it out anywhere you
have in your room. It needs to be fairly
accessible, as students will walk over and turn in their paper. (A location far from other students is always
nice if you have one.) Again, you can
split the numbers up so that the students are not clumping together. If you are like me and use this as your
regular independent work turn in area, it is better to leave it in the same
location. Students get in the habit of
turning work in, but if you move it a lot they will get confused.
Now, here is an example of a
section with papers “turned in.” Can you
tell which “student” didn’t turn in a paper?
If you said
#3, you are correct! You can easily see
that a paper is missing. If you are
trying to wrap up independent work time or go to recess, you can go by your
organizer and see at a glance who is missing work. (I use students’ numbers for everything. The kids learn their numbers – and everyone
else’s – pretty quickly.)
I am
thinking about putting contact paper on mine, but honestly, I recycled old
files last year and that one is still in good condition. These are fairly sturdy and can last a few
years even without extra support.
My coworker
uses this same system, but instead of turning in papers, she has a student sort
the papers to pass back in the numbers.
Then all she has to do is hand one pile of papers to each student.
This method
was a lifesaver for me last year! What
is your top time saving classroom tip?
Amy Mezni
My teammate puts stickers with each student's name across her back counter to sort papers. This would take up less space! Thanks for the idea.